Discerning our renewal as it is found in Proverbs 3:5-6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
For God to direct our paths, we must be doing whatever we know to be right – obedience activates God’s promises (16:3; Ps. 37:5). To depend on one’s own understanding of truth and life means to disregard God’s will.
Struggling with the concept of obedience is a common human experience, and it often stems from several interconnected factors:
Desire for Independence
We humans value autonomy and freedom, often equating obedience with the loss of personal choice or control. The idea of submitting to authority can feel like a threat to individuality.
Why It’s Hard: Obedience requires us to surrender our will, which can feel uncomfortable in cultures that celebrate independence and self-determination.
Pride can make it difficult to accept that someone else’s guidance or authority would be better for us. It challenges our ego and confronts our desire to be in charge of our own lives.
Why It’s Hard: Obedience necessitates humility, which means admitting that we don’t always know what’s best for ourselves.
Fear of Vulnerability
To obey often means placing trust in someone else—whether it’s God, a leader, or even societal rules. This requires vulnerability, as we surrender control and take risks.
Why It’s Hard: Past experiences of broken trust or misuse of authority can make obedience feel risky or unsafe.
Misunderstanding of Obedience
Obedience is often perceived as blind submission, which creates resistance. The word can carry negative connotations, especially if associated with oppressive systems or relationships.
Why It’s Hard: A failure to see obedience as an act of trust, love, or wisdom may lead to a negative view of its purpose.
Conflict with Selfish Desires
Obedience often requires us to deny our own impulses, desires, or plans in favor of something greater. This goes against the natural inclination to prioritize self-interest.
Why It’s Hard: It requires discipline and self-control, which can be challenging to cultivate.
Cultural Influences
Many modern societies emphasize personal rights and self-expression over submission to authority. This cultural mindset can make obedience seem outdated or undesirable.
Why It’s Hard: Messages of "do what feels right for you" or "follow your heart" can conflict with the call to obey higher principles or authority.
Lack of Trust in Authority
When authority figures abuse their power or fail to act justly, it erodes our willingness to obey. Negative experiences with flawed leadership can create skepticism.
Why It’s Hard: Obedience becomes difficult when trust in the one giving direction is absent or shaken.
Spiritual Resistance
From a biblical perspective, human nature has been marked by sin since the fall of Adam and Eve. Rebellion against God’s authority is part of our fallen condition.
Why It’s Hard: Obedience to God requires surrendering not just our will but also our sinful inclinations, which in and of itself can feel like a spiritual battle.
Redeeming the Concept of Obedience
When reframed, obedience can be seen as an act of love, trust, and wisdom:
In Faith: Obedience to God is not about control but about aligning with His perfect will, which leads to life, peace, and blessing (John 14:15, Deuteronomy 10:12-13).
In Relationships: Healthy obedience fosters trust, order, and mutual respect when rooted in love and understanding.
By recognizing obedience as a path to growth, freedom, and deeper connection with God and others, we can begin to overcome the resistance that comes with it.
Proverbs 3: 5,6 beautifully captures the essence of renewal for us through a deep, unwavering trust in God.
Stay strong and be blessed. God's love is a longing heart.
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